REST API ======== Examples -------- You can see examples and test this API here: `Swagger UI `_ Authentication -------------- To test endpoints that need authentication generate an auth token calling ``/login``. Then click the button on the received email to validate this token. After that pass the token as Authorization header: ``Authorization: TOKEN your-token-here`` Errors ------ When API call returns an error you will get a response like this: .. code-block:: json { "error": { "code": 1, "message": "Error description" } } When a call is successful you will get something like this: .. code-block:: json { "result": { "someContent": "someValue" } } List or possible error codes: * **-1**: requesting action that needs authentication * **-32602**: invalid params * **0**: general error * **1**: the auth token has not been validated via email * **2**: don't have permissions to access a resource * **3**: something was not found * **4**: cannot insert something because it already exists * **5**: integrity checks for firmware failed * **6**: when enabling a firmware update for a lock with version <= than current * **7**: when enabling a beta firmware for a lock that doesn't allow betas * **8**: when integrity checks for an egg failed * **9**: when user tries to delete email that is set as contact email * **10**: when trying to add a time restriction with hour range where end <= start * **11**: when adding a time restriction with a weekday <0 or >6 * **12**: when adding a time restriction with a monthday <1 or >31 * **13**: when adding a time restriction with a month <0 or >11 * **14**: when trying to create more key copies than allowed * **15**: when trying to set max_copies to a negative number * **16**: when user already has a key for that lock * **17**: when trying to create ACL and its max_copies + brothers.max_copies > father.max_copies * **18**: when creating an ACL with a permission that the parent doesn't have * **19**: when ACL validity period falls completely outside of parent ACL validity period * **20**: when an email is already used by another user * **21**: when trying to pass lock ownership to a non-existing user * **22**: when trying to pass a wrong day to logs search * **23**: when trying to do something with a non-existing user * **24**: when trying to do something with a non-existing group * **25**: when trying to create an ACL passing both email & group id * **26**: when trying to create/modify a group with field max_members <= 0 * **27**: when trying to add a group member exceeds max_members * **28**: when trying to use as replacement a lock that has more than 1 key or has 1 but it's not the owner one * **29**: when trying to do some action with an actuator that doesn't exist * **30**: when receiving string with XSS characters * **31**: when trying to delete an account while owning a lock * **32**: when trying to login with a non-existing email * **33**: when failed sending login email * **34**: when date range start if greater than end * **35**: when passing an invalid timezone * **36**: when creating a key exceeds hardware's max_keys * **37**: when trying to assign keys to hardware but manufacturer doesn't have enough available keys API Reference ------------- .. openapi:: ../static/ :group: